In our earlier section, we discussed the basics of importing, manipulating, and visualizing vector data in R, specifically focused on using the “tidyverse”. In this section we want to review some additional powerful tools that we will need as we dive into simulations in R later in the week. Fundamentals in coding such as functions, loops, creating/representing data in a data.frame / tibble objects, and random number generation will be covered here.

Random Number Generation

For this section, instead of importing a data set, we are going to create our own example data set using random number generation. Knowing how to do this can be very powerful when you want to test your code, build reproducible examples, or most importantly for our case, build stochastic simulations.

The base functions necessary for random number generation in R are tied to probability distributions. The most commonly used distributions being:

  • Uniform
  • Normal (Guassian)
  • Binominal

R is built around, by, and for statistics professionals so there are many other distributions (e.g. Poisson, Weibull, Gamma, etc. ) built into the stats package. We’re going to focus on the most basic distributions for now but should you need a specific obscure one, know that it’s probably already built into R for your use.

To generate random numbers according to these distributions there are a set of functions, all with the prefix r, i.e. runif() rnorm(), rbinom()

Within these functions you can specify the necessary variables for the specific distribution you want to pull from. For example, if we want 10 numbers pulled randomly from between 0 and 2000:

runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 2000)
##  [1] 1219.2204  942.3868 1569.1519  315.3799 1472.3385 1597.5341 1366.4249
##  [8] 1537.5394 1280.0860 1256.4942

Now you’ll notice that this returns fractional values, if you want whole numbers, the sample function can handle this:

sample(0:2000, 10, replace=T)
##  [1] 1963 1272 1814  237  969 1205 1542  773  805  760
# this is the same as, 10)
##  [1]  131 1049  889 1601 1652   26 1402 1530  592  700

Keep in mind, sample is an especially powerful function because you can use it to randomly sample any empirical dataset you have.

Often when we are simulating a process, we want to pull our numbers not from a uniform distribition but instead from a distribution that matches the process we are trying to siumulate. For example, if we wanted to simulate coin flips, all we have to do is generate “flips” from the Bernoulli distribution (otherwise known as a Binomial distribution with size = 1 and p = .5).

Let’s flip this (even) coin 20 times:

rbinom(20, 1, .5)
##  [1] 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

Or perhaps we need to pull 10 samples from a process that due to the central limit theorem, probably has a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a sd of 12, with the rnorm function that’s simple!

rnorm(10, 50, 12)
##  [1] 47.72000 56.71438 36.73263 62.64726 36.50295 47.69972 56.55643
##  [8] 55.91117 56.41962 66.78236
# want those to be intergers?
##  [1] 42 66 41 51 50 41 64 51 36 37

Build some fake data:

So, hopefully you get a sense of just how useful random numbers can be for simulations. Sometime we use random number generation, not for simulation but just to produce fake datasets to use for testing or reproducible examples.

As practice, let’s try building a data frame of fake temperatures in HongKong through the 12 months of the year for 10 years from 2000-2010.

From a quick web search I can get the mean temperatures through the year in Celsius:

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
    16  18  20  24  26  28  29  29  27  26  22  17

Using the normal distribution assuming 2 degrees deviation in all months, let’s build a dataframe combining our tidyverse functions from earlier and by randomly generating 10 samples around these mean temperatures by month.

temp <- data.frame(YEAR = 2001:2010,
               JAN = rnorm(10, 16, 2), 
               FEB = rnorm(10, 18, 2),
               MAR = rnorm(10, 20, 2),
               APR = rnorm(10, 24, 2),
               MAY = rnorm(10, 26, 2),
               JUN = rnorm(10, 28, 2),
               JUL = rnorm(10, 29, 2),
               AUG = rnorm(10, 29, 2),
               SEP = rnorm(10, 27, 2),
               OCT = rnorm(10, 26, 2),
               NOV = rnorm(10, 22, 2),
               DEC = rnorm(10, 17, 2))

2001 15.33013 17.32560 18.12138 21.44528 27.34773 26.42921 25.87973 29.39392 26.58239 25.50978 23.07541 14.29345
2002 13.06177 17.85901 20.51963 23.98029 23.34533 28.51028 26.04199 31.45473 24.51927 26.90536 24.57398 12.43449
2003 16.13150 14.99376 16.71463 23.39751 28.64670 26.99414 27.52486 26.74078 23.22990 25.37925 23.31849 16.89089
2004 15.88206 18.64656 20.70334 23.62475 24.37297 28.24255 28.67588 33.12645 26.76591 26.23387 20.87248 17.35246
2005 17.36792 21.65966 18.72683 26.52348 23.14541 27.09338 28.58653 30.98810 27.29887 24.35832 19.95440 16.02837
2006 15.91963 21.02876 19.97368 24.99565 26.36900 28.42549 28.27501 25.77893 26.39000 28.56117 21.43637 16.76816
2007 18.71045 18.63803 19.75861 24.56608 27.73781 28.15560 25.63908 26.43423 27.46236 27.27755 21.26121 22.04124
2008 12.69598 20.02350 19.44076 25.40158 25.58153 27.47238 27.98417 27.85951 23.44490 26.00289 20.15497 20.93301
2009 17.48154 18.04666 20.09587 23.70637 23.12443 26.91826 25.60895 31.08016 24.79809 28.06563 24.22651 17.68293
2010 15.22408 14.05080 16.57681 22.84491 24.11675 28.38321 31.79442 30.08724 26.89806 26.67713 21.47659 16.05550

Great! Now that we have some data to work with, let’s get to building our own functions to play with it.

Custom functions

Supplemental Reading

Writing your own functions is one way to reduce duplication in your code or to create custom models for simulation.

From the Data Science for R Chapter 19:

  Functions allow you to automate common tasks in a more powerful and general way
  than copy-and-pasting. Writing a function has three big advantages over using copy-and-paste:

  1. You can give a function an evocative name that makes your code easier to understand.

  2. As requirements change, you only need to update code in one place, instead of many.

  3. You eliminate the chance of making incidental mistakes when you copy and paste 
  (i.e. updating a variable name in one place, but not in another).

As a general rule of thumb, you should consider writing a function if you need to run the same operations more than twice. I.e. don’t go copying and pasting things 3 or more times.

For instance if I need to convert every concentration in the temp dataframe from Celsius to Farenheight I might consider writing out the conversion equation:

F = 1.8 * C + 32 into a custom function of my own:

celsius_to_faren <- function(C){
1.8*C + 32

Rather than doing something repetitive like:

1.8*temp$JAN + 32
1.8*temp$FEB + 32
# all the way to...
1.8*temp$DEC + 32

Now obviously, this is a very simple example but is useful for showing us the guts of the R function environment. Notice 3 important things about the structure of our function:

  1. all custom functions should be assigned a name (i.e. celsius_to_faren). Keep in mind, your code has 2 audiences, the computer that needs to be able to run it, and the humans that need to be able to read it (your future self included!). Keep code clean and your naming style consistent to facilitate readbility.

  2. functions take flexibly named arguments (i.e. C) in the paratheses before the operation. Our function would run the exact same way if it was written as:

      celsius_to_faren <- function(x=15){
      1.8*x + 32
    • Note also that function arguments can be given defaults (e.g. x = 15), allowing them to run with or without that argument newly specified. For example:
    # it will revert to the default
    ## [1] 59
    # or we can specify a different value to run the conversion on
    ## [1] 122
  3. The guts of the function, the operation, goes in between two curly brackets, after the necessary arguments have been specified.

As you have seen above, to run our function we simply call it like any other function from R packages: celsius_to_faren()


Often when coding, especially in more complex function, we want to doing an operation only when a certain condition is met. This is when we need if and if/else statements!

Formal if statements have a very similar format to functions:

if(condition){ operation }

if statements have lots of uses both in and outside of custom functions, but for now we are going to focus on how to incorporate them into our function writing.

For example we could adapt our above simple function to do something special when it encountered a missing value simply by including an if statement:

celsius_to_faren <- function(x = 15){
  if ({
    return(-999)  # telling the function to return -999 every time it encounters an NA
  1.8*x + 32 # but to still do the regular conversion other times 

Now let’s throw in a missing value to our table, for testing! Maybe we didn’t sample in January of 2002 for some reason:

temp[2,2] <- NA

# combine this function with the `mutate` function we learned earlier

temp %>% 
  rowwise %>% 
  mutate(JAN_F = celsius_to_faren(JAN)) %>% 
  select(YEAR, JAN, JAN_F)
## Source: local data frame [10 x 3]
## Groups: <by row>
## # A tibble: 10 x 3
##     YEAR      JAN      JAN_F
##    <int>    <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1  2001 15.33013   59.59423
##  2  2002       NA -999.00000
##  3  2003 16.13150   61.03669
##  4  2004 15.88206   60.58771
##  5  2005 17.36792   63.26225
##  6  2006 15.91963   60.65534
##  7  2007 18.71045   65.67881
##  8  2008 12.69598   54.85277
##  9  2009 17.48154   63.46677
## 10  2010 15.22408   59.40334
# note! the `rowwise` command works to group the dataframe by each row. 
# because our function is written to take a single value, not a full vector, 
# we need to pass our dataframe through `rowwise` first. 

# 2nd note! breaking up your code at each pipe helps with readability of each step.

One can string a bunch of if statements together using the nested if/else structure:

if (test_expression1) {
} else if (test_expression2) {
} else if (test_expression3) {
} else

Alternatively, R has a nifty ifelse() function that simplifies this into one line.

ifelse(test, yes, no)

For instance, adapting our above function directly into a mutate command:

temp %>% 
  mutate(JAN_F = ifelse(, -999, JAN*1.8 + 32)) %>% 
  select(YEAR, JAN, JAN_F) 
2001 15.33013 59.59423
2002 NA -999.00000
2003 16.13150 61.03669
2004 15.88206 60.58771
2005 17.36792 63.26225
2006 15.91963 60.65534
2007 18.71045 65.67881
2008 12.69598 54.85276
2009 17.48154 63.46677
2010 15.22408 59.40334


Much of this section is modelled after the iteration chapter of R for Data Science. Read more in Supplemental Reading

Loops are used in programming to repeat a specific block of code. Though loops are used less often in R than many other programming languages, the loops we cover today are very important for learning to simulate movement paths later in the workshop.

For loops

In R, For loops are used to repeat a chunk of code, over all the values held inside the given vector.

There are 3 parts to a simple for loop:

  1. The initialization: before you start the loop, you need a place to put the results.
  2. The iteration vector: this part, i.e. (i in 1:10) determines what values we loop over. In this case, the loop would run over 10 different values, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
  3. The body of the loop: the meat of it - the code that actually does the work. Whatever we want to calculate over all those different numbers, goes here.

So for instance, maybe we want to calculate the annual mean temperature for each of our years of data. We can do this with a for loop!

# first we initialize!
averages  <- vector()      # an empty vector for our averages to go

# the we iterate:
for(i in 1:10){                 # take the mean of row i of temp dataframe and put it the averages vector
  averages[i] <- mean(as.numeric(temp[i,2:13]), na.rm=TRUE)       #drop Nas, and drop column 1 to leave out year.

# Now we can read out results
##  [1] 22.56117 23.64949 22.49687 23.70827 23.47761 23.66015 23.97352
##  [8] 23.08293 23.40295 22.84879

Once you understand the basic for loop it’s useful to consider some important variations, namely:

  1. Modifying an existing object, instead of creating a new object.
  2. Looping over names or values, instead of indices.
  3. Handling sequences of unknown length (“while” loops, covered in the next section)

Consider the following loops and their outputs for examples of these variations, for more information see the readings. Note the consitent syntax of these loops.

# Modifying an existing object

jan <- as.vector(temp$JAN)  # make a simple vector of January column

for(i in seq(1,5,1)){
  jan <- append(jan, rnorm(1,16,2))     # add 5 more years temperatures, 1 at a time. 

##  [1] 15.33013       NA 16.13150 15.88206 17.36792 15.91963 18.71045
##  [8] 12.69598 17.48154 15.22408 16.30392 16.49026 15.74810 18.19010
## [15] 15.31277
# Or maybe we want to round every column to integers

for(i in 1:length(temp)){
  temp[i] <- round(temp[i])

2001 15 17 18 21 27 26 26 29 27 26 23 14
2002 NA 18 21 24 23 29 26 31 25 27 25 12
2003 16 15 17 23 29 27 28 27 23 25 23 17
2004 16 19 21 24 24 28 29 33 27 26 21 17
2005 17 22 19 27 23 27 29 31 27 24 20 16
2006 16 21 20 25 26 28 28 26 26 29 21 17
2007 19 19 20 25 28 28 26 26 27 27 21 22
2008 13 20 19 25 26 27 28 28 23 26 20 21
2009 17 18 20 24 23 27 26 31 25 28 24 18
2010 15 14 17 23 24 28 32 30 27 27 21 16
# Looping over names or indices rather than sequences.

# print the 5th row of just a few specific columns
months <- c("JAN", "MAY", "SEP")
for (i in months){
 print(mean(temp[,i]), na.rm=TRUE)
## [1] NA
## [1] 25.3
## [1] 25.7

While loops

In a combination of the conditionals introduced earlier and the for loops we saw above, in R programming, while loops are used to loop until a specific condition is met. These can be especially useful if you don’t know the length of the input sequence needed for you task: a common occurence when doing simulations.

For example, you might want to loop until you get three heads in a row. You can’t do that sort of iteration with the for loop. Instead, you can use a while loop. A while loop is simpler than for loop because it only has two components, a condition and a body:

The syntax of a while expression is as follows:

while (condition)

Here, condition is evaluated first. If the condition is TRUE, than the body of the loop is entered and the calculations inside the loop are executed. Once executed, the flow returns to evaluate the condition for the next element. This is repeated each time until the condition evaluates to FALSE, in which case, the loop exits.

So, for example, a while loop using a random number generator to simulate flips of an even coin:

How many flips does it take to get 3 heads in a row?

flip <- function(){ # randomly sample 1 "flip" from a bernoulli dist. 
  rbinom(1, 1, .5)

flips <- 0        # intialize
nheads <- 0

while (nheads < 3) {  # continue loop until nheads is 3. 
  if (flip() == 1) {  # conditional if else statement.
    nheads <- nheads + 1  # IF the flip is a 1 (head) add it to the nheads vector
  } else {            #  If NOT, reset the nheads vector to 0
    nheads <- 0
  flips <- flips + 1  # track the number of flips by adding each iteration to flip vector

## [1] 24

The apply and map functions

This same pattern of looping over a vector, in other words, implementing some computation or function over many elements is so common both baseR and tidyverse have families of functions to do it for you: the apply family of functions (baseR) or the map family of functions from the purrr library in (baseR)

These functions make iteration much simpler and your code a lot more concise and readable but may take some time to wrap your head around. We introduce them here just for you to be aware of but if you’re just starting out, you may find that for loops are easier for you to understand. That’s okay! Loops work just as well, they just take more time and text to code.

Apply: Base R

lapply() takes arguments x, and FUN as inputs. x is equivalent to the vector you would iterate over in a for loop and FUN is equivalent to whatever you would put into the body of the for loop. lapply always returns a list.

So for instance, let’s try applying a custom function using lapply to take our temp back to celsius. Note that the output is a list.

 celsius_to_faren <- function(x=15){
      1.8*x + 32

lapply(temp[,2:13], celsius_to_faren)
## $JAN
##  [1] 59.0   NA 60.8 60.8 62.6 60.8 66.2 55.4 62.6 59.0
## $FEB
##  [1] 62.6 64.4 59.0 66.2 71.6 69.8 66.2 68.0 64.4 57.2
## $MAR
##  [1] 64.4 69.8 62.6 69.8 66.2 68.0 68.0 66.2 68.0 62.6
## $APR
##  [1] 69.8 75.2 73.4 75.2 80.6 77.0 77.0 77.0 75.2 73.4
## $MAY
##  [1] 80.6 73.4 84.2 75.2 73.4 78.8 82.4 78.8 73.4 75.2
## $JUN
##  [1] 78.8 84.2 80.6 82.4 80.6 82.4 82.4 80.6 80.6 82.4
## $JUL
##  [1] 78.8 78.8 82.4 84.2 84.2 82.4 78.8 82.4 78.8 89.6
## $AUG
##  [1] 84.2 87.8 80.6 91.4 87.8 78.8 78.8 82.4 87.8 86.0
## $SEP
##  [1] 80.6 77.0 73.4 80.6 80.6 78.8 80.6 73.4 77.0 80.6
## $OCT
##  [1] 78.8 80.6 77.0 78.8 75.2 84.2 80.6 78.8 82.4 80.6
## $NOV
##  [1] 73.4 77.0 73.4 69.8 68.0 69.8 69.8 68.0 75.2 69.8
## $DEC
##  [1] 57.2 53.6 62.6 62.6 60.8 62.6 71.6 69.8 64.4 60.8
# we can use bind_rows(), to bind this list to a dataframe
lapply(temp[,2:13], celsius_to_faren) %>% bind_rows()
59.0 62.6 64.4 69.8 80.6 78.8 78.8 84.2 80.6 78.8 73.4 57.2
NA 64.4 69.8 75.2 73.4 84.2 78.8 87.8 77.0 80.6 77.0 53.6
60.8 59.0 62.6 73.4 84.2 80.6 82.4 80.6 73.4 77.0 73.4 62.6
60.8 66.2 69.8 75.2 75.2 82.4 84.2 91.4 80.6 78.8 69.8 62.6
62.6 71.6 66.2 80.6 73.4 80.6 84.2 87.8 80.6 75.2 68.0 60.8
60.8 69.8 68.0 77.0 78.8 82.4 82.4 78.8 78.8 84.2 69.8 62.6
66.2 66.2 68.0 77.0 82.4 82.4 78.8 78.8 80.6 80.6 69.8 71.6
55.4 68.0 66.2 77.0 78.8 80.6 82.4 82.4 73.4 78.8 68.0 69.8
62.6 64.4 68.0 75.2 73.4 80.6 78.8 87.8 77.0 82.4 75.2 64.4
59.0 57.2 62.6 73.4 75.2 82.4 89.6 86.0 80.6 80.6 69.8 60.8

You may also see, sapply() or vapply(), these do the same thing but return the output in different formats.

In a slightly different flavor, apply() takes the additional MARGIN argument, which allows you to specify, when x is a matrix or dataframe, wether you want a function to be run over just the rows, 1, just the columns, 2, or both, c(1,2).

For example, maybe we want the mean temperature of each year:

apply(temp[2:13], 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)  #drop Nas, and drop column 1 to leave out year. 
##  [1] 22.41667 23.72727 22.50000 23.75000 23.50000 23.58333 24.00000
##  [8] 23.00000 23.41667 22.83333

Or instead the average by month:

apply(temp[2:13], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)  #drop Nas, and drop column 1 to leave out year. 
## 16.0 18.3 19.2 24.1 25.3 27.5 27.8 29.2 25.7 26.5 21.9 17.0

Map: tidyverse and the purrr package

The purrr package provides a similar family of functions to do this same iterative computation with the added clarity of providing one funtion each type of output and the benefit of playing nicely with all the other tidyverse functions we introduced earlier e.g. group_by & the pipe operator %>%.

Just as before, each function takes a vector as input, applies a function to each piece, and then returns a new vector that’s the same length (and has the same names) as the input. The type of the vector is determined by the suffix to the map function.

  • map() makes a list. (equivalent to lapply)
  • map_df() makes a dataframe.
  • map_lgl() makes a logical vector.
  • map_int() makes an integer vector.
  • map_dbl() makes a double vector.
  • map_chr() makes a character vector.

Take for example the same operation using between map, lapply, & map_df

lapply(temp[,2:13], celsius_to_faren)
## $JAN
##  [1] 59.0   NA 60.8 60.8 62.6 60.8 66.2 55.4 62.6 59.0
## $FEB
##  [1] 62.6 64.4 59.0 66.2 71.6 69.8 66.2 68.0 64.4 57.2
## $MAR
##  [1] 64.4 69.8 62.6 69.8 66.2 68.0 68.0 66.2 68.0 62.6
## $APR
##  [1] 69.8 75.2 73.4 75.2 80.6 77.0 77.0 77.0 75.2 73.4
## $MAY
##  [1] 80.6 73.4 84.2 75.2 73.4 78.8 82.4 78.8 73.4 75.2
## $JUN
##  [1] 78.8 84.2 80.6 82.4 80.6 82.4 82.4 80.6 80.6 82.4
## $JUL
##  [1] 78.8 78.8 82.4 84.2 84.2 82.4 78.8 82.4 78.8 89.6
## $AUG
##  [1] 84.2 87.8 80.6 91.4 87.8 78.8 78.8 82.4 87.8 86.0
## $SEP
##  [1] 80.6 77.0 73.4 80.6 80.6 78.8 80.6 73.4 77.0 80.6
## $OCT
##  [1] 78.8 80.6 77.0 78.8 75.2 84.2 80.6 78.8 82.4 80.6
## $NOV
##  [1] 73.4 77.0 73.4 69.8 68.0 69.8 69.8 68.0 75.2 69.8
## $DEC
##  [1] 57.2 53.6 62.6 62.6 60.8 62.6 71.6 69.8 64.4 60.8
map(temp[,2:13], celsius_to_faren)
## $JAN
##  [1] 59.0   NA 60.8 60.8 62.6 60.8 66.2 55.4 62.6 59.0
## $FEB
##  [1] 62.6 64.4 59.0 66.2 71.6 69.8 66.2 68.0 64.4 57.2
## $MAR
##  [1] 64.4 69.8 62.6 69.8 66.2 68.0 68.0 66.2 68.0 62.6
## $APR
##  [1] 69.8 75.2 73.4 75.2 80.6 77.0 77.0 77.0 75.2 73.4
## $MAY
##  [1] 80.6 73.4 84.2 75.2 73.4 78.8 82.4 78.8 73.4 75.2
## $JUN
##  [1] 78.8 84.2 80.6 82.4 80.6 82.4 82.4 80.6 80.6 82.4
## $JUL
##  [1] 78.8 78.8 82.4 84.2 84.2 82.4 78.8 82.4 78.8 89.6
## $AUG
##  [1] 84.2 87.8 80.6 91.4 87.8 78.8 78.8 82.4 87.8 86.0
## $SEP
##  [1] 80.6 77.0 73.4 80.6 80.6 78.8 80.6 73.4 77.0 80.6
## $OCT
##  [1] 78.8 80.6 77.0 78.8 75.2 84.2 80.6 78.8 82.4 80.6
## $NOV
##  [1] 73.4 77.0 73.4 69.8 68.0 69.8 69.8 68.0 75.2 69.8
## $DEC
##  [1] 57.2 53.6 62.6 62.6 60.8 62.6 71.6 69.8 64.4 60.8
map_df(temp[,2:13], celsius_to_faren)
59.0 62.6 64.4 69.8 80.6 78.8 78.8 84.2 80.6 78.8 73.4 57.2
NA 64.4 69.8 75.2 73.4 84.2 78.8 87.8 77.0 80.6 77.0 53.6
60.8 59.0 62.6 73.4 84.2 80.6 82.4 80.6 73.4 77.0 73.4 62.6
60.8 66.2 69.8 75.2 75.2 82.4 84.2 91.4 80.6 78.8 69.8 62.6
62.6 71.6 66.2 80.6 73.4 80.6 84.2 87.8 80.6 75.2 68.0 60.8
60.8 69.8 68.0 77.0 78.8 82.4 82.4 78.8 78.8 84.2 69.8 62.6
66.2 66.2 68.0 77.0 82.4 82.4 78.8 78.8 80.6 80.6 69.8 71.6
55.4 68.0 66.2 77.0 78.8 80.6 82.4 82.4 73.4 78.8 68.0 69.8
62.6 64.4 68.0 75.2 73.4 80.6 78.8 87.8 77.0 82.4 75.2 64.4
59.0 57.2 62.6 73.4 75.2 82.4 89.6 86.0 80.6 80.6 69.8 60.8

To do the same thing with for loops requires the following code (& nesting!):

faren <- data_frame()
for (i in 2:length(temp)){
  for (j in 1:nrow(temp)){
    faren[j,i-1] <- celsius_to_faren(temp[j,i])

names(faren) <- names(temp)[2:13]
59.0 62.6 64.4 69.8 80.6 78.8 78.8 84.2 80.6 78.8 73.4 57.2
NA 64.4 69.8 75.2 73.4 84.2 78.8 87.8 77.0 80.6 77.0 53.6
60.8 59.0 62.6 73.4 84.2 80.6 82.4 80.6 73.4 77.0 73.4 62.6
60.8 66.2 69.8 75.2 75.2 82.4 84.2 91.4 80.6 78.8 69.8 62.6
62.6 71.6 66.2 80.6 73.4 80.6 84.2 87.8 80.6 75.2 68.0 60.8
60.8 69.8 68.0 77.0 78.8 82.4 82.4 78.8 78.8 84.2 69.8 62.6
66.2 66.2 68.0 77.0 82.4 82.4 78.8 78.8 80.6 80.6 69.8 71.6
55.4 68.0 66.2 77.0 78.8 80.6 82.4 82.4 73.4 78.8 68.0 69.8
62.6 64.4 68.0 75.2 73.4 80.6 78.8 87.8 77.0 82.4 75.2 64.4
59.0 57.2 62.6 73.4 75.2 82.4 89.6 86.0 80.6 80.6 69.8 60.8

Makes map_df seem pretty handy right?!