Like two* others before me, my summer project was to dive into ggplot2’s source code and make myself useful. As I joked frequently to my fellow summer 2018 interns, as far as ggplot2 was concerned, this was a create-your-own-adventure internship from the start. Hadley pointed out some issues that were...
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2018 RStudio Intern

Tidy Tuesday Week 1
Tidy Tuesday is a weekly social data project put on by the R for Data Science Slack learning community (TidyTuesday Repo; R4DS description). The emphasis is on using tidyverse tools to clean and visualize neat data and share it with eachother. I’m not an every week participant but I will...
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Check out this neat workshop we put together!
Last month, my colleague Eric and I were invited to lead a workshop teaching movement ecology methods in R! This week I finally got a proper website built to show it off! I hope others find the resources useful. It was an amazing opportunity and I had a wonderful time...
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Congrats! You've found my website.
Hi everybody! Welcome to my personal website!
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